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Biometric access control
Office Security
A company’s most valuable asset is its people. Protect them by ensuring only authorized individuals access your offices.
Safeguard physical assets too, as equipment loss impacts both costs and operations.
Receive real-time alerts for unauthorized access attempts or terminated employees trying to gain entry.

Cybersecurity starts with controlled access to server rooms, where critical data is stored.
Only authorized personnel should enter, with entry, exit, and duration tracked.
Get real-time alerts for unauthorized attempts—once might be accidental, twice careless, but three times signals a breach.

Safety Deposit Vaults
A financial institution sought to streamline safety deposit box access by eliminating wait times for staff assistance. ePortPass installed a wall-mounted unit linked to the electric strike.
Customers scan their hand, and once verified, the door unlocks—enhancing security, saving time, and improving the customer experience.

The foundation of cybersecurity is controlled access to server rooms, where data—a critical asset—is stored.
Only authorized personnel should enter, with detailed records of entry, exit, and duration.
Receive real-time alerts for unauthorized access attempts.
POnce may be accidental, twice careless, but three times signals a breach attempt.

A common breach tactic is posing as a maintenance worker with a toolbox and clipboard, claiming to check the air conditioning.
From there, accessing the server room—often near electrical spaces—or using crawl spaces is easy.
Once inside, a small device can be planted between server racks to enable remote access to company data. Enrolling vendors in the ePortPass system with limited access permissions prevents this.

Office Security
Two-Part Authentication
Basement Spaces
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